Frequently asked questions
The most common questions we get from our clients
To achieve the best results for your spray tan it is ideal that you exfoliate, shave or wax, 24 hours prior to your tanning session. Manicures and pedicures also need to be done 24 hours prior to your tanning session. If you experience dryer skin, start the exfoliation process 48 hours in advance and exfoliate two times prior to appointment. This will ensure an even application and longer lasting results.
The best clothing to wear to any tanning session is loose fitting clothing. Either loose pants and t-shirt or a loose dress. Sandals are ideal for shoes to be worn after tanning session.
Each appointment takes about 15 minutes. New clients will receive a client consultation and 30 minutes is allotted for new client appointments.
Tan Care
- Moisturize skin with hydrating body lotion 24 hours before sesion.
- Exfoliate skin 24 hours before session
- Complete shaving routine and wax 24 hours before the session.
- Schedule manicures and pedicures 24 hours before the session.
- Avoid sweating and water until your designated rinse off time.
- Wear loose fitting clothing to avoid color transfer.
- Do NOT wear leggings, closed toed shoes, socks, or white clothing to session.
- Do NOT apply deodorant, body oils, or lotion to the skin.
- Do NOT touch areas of the body where solution has been applied as tan develops.
- Rinse off at designated shower time, not before.
- Always pat dry after shower. Do NOT rub skin with a towel as this will cause the tan to fade quicker.
- Apply lotion once a day.
- Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated
- Use a gentle body wash
- Avoid shaving-if possible use a razor without a moisture strip
- Avoid excessive chlorine and salt water exposure